Thursday, October 31, 2019

Non profit Organization in Anne Arundel County Research Paper

Non profit Organization in Anne Arundel County - Research Paper Example Although the present population diversity of Anne Arundel County (29.8%) is below state average (39.2%) but it has gained momentum (18.6%) since 2000. The median age for household (36.0%) is at par with the national average (36.4%). (2000, Census). As per 2005 American Community Survey data, the County was having 87003 married couples with children and 24525 single-parent households (5795 men, 18730 women). Teenage suicides have increased 8 percent over the previous year. The number of single parents has increased to 12.9 million. Postpartum episodes are estimated to affect 15 percent to 20 percent of mothers. These are astounding statistics having adverse implications. As per 2000 census, out of 2,69,772 employments, 7.8 percent were in manufacturing, 6.4 percent in transportation/ communication, 22.2 percent whole sale / retail trade, 4.5 percent in finance / income / real estate, 24.6 percent in services, 27.8 percent in Govt. and rest 6.7 percent in other sectors. However, out of 71.1 percent of total labor force above age 16 years 68.1 percent are in civil and only 3.0 percent are in army. Out of the total civilian labor force of 2,58,331, only 66.0 percent are employed and rest 2.1 percent unemployed. The median house hold income of 61,768 recorded a gain of 36.8 percent over 1990 census which was 47.09 percent higher than the nation average. The per capita income was 24,335 with 5.1 percent of the house hold "Below Poverty Line". Food stamps are available to families with income up to 130 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), about $19,500 for a family of three. House hold status: Out of total 1,86,937 housing units, 23.4 percent are occupied by renters with median rent of $700 which was much higher than state ($571) and national ($469) average. The median purchase price for home has also been fixed at $212,816. An increase of 19.8 percent of total households of 1,78,670 over 1990 was marked during last decennial. The median year householder moved in (1998) exceeded the median year structure built (1973). The rent shared of 24 percent of household revenue was disproportionate to the earnings. Income needed to qualify for purchase of house (MPDU) has been fixed to $35,000 or above a year and $20,000 or above a year to rent. This is because house prices normally require at least this amount of income to make the payment requirements. The minimum income required for renting a house with 2 bed rooms varies between $ 51,000- $58,000. As per SFY 2003, 429 individuals and 751 homeless families with children were detected. There is almost an even spilt between homeless men and women, which would represent 52 and 48 percent of the homeless population, respectively and majority are below 30.Besides this, 5835 people were in state prisons, 4964 in military barracks, 688 un group homes, 285 in college dormitories, 234 in mental rehabilitation centre, 22 in religious group quarters, 5 in agriculture workers' dormitories and so on. Disabilities: The count required affordable housing and supportive services to the developmentally disabled. An estimated 67,713 residents in the county are

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Legendary Abolitionist And Fictional Lady Essay

The Legendary Abolitionist And Fictional Lady - Essay Example More than eighty years later, Francie Coffin is the protagonist of Daddy was a number runner by Louise Meriwether. Set in the Depression-era ghettos of Harlem in the 1930’s, Francie is a young (12 years old) girl who helps her father in his business, numbers running. Prior to the state lotteries, the gangsters had one going and the runners picked up the bets from the customers. Meanwhile, the novel explores every facet of gritty New York street life. She is trying her best in school and gets brilliant marks but outside of its comfortable environments, she has to deal with such horrible realities as the perverted old men who try to molest her and bullies and street gangs who abuse her. All around Francie is abject poverty and brave and proud but beaten people. Finally, her family is forced to go on relief. In the novel, one sentence is almost a mirror of modern times when Francie’s mother tells her â€Å"Elizabeth's coming back home today with her kids and Robert. Their furniture got put out on the street." Elizabeth was her sister. Yet she and Douglass share one thing in common, their fierce determination that no matter what their circumstances, their lives would eventually be much better. For example, Douglass made a New Year’s Resolution in 1836 that he would be a free man that year. It actually took another two years but the point is his vow came true for him due to his willpower. As he said, â€Å"I could see no reason why I should, at the end of each week, pour the reward of my toil into the purse of my master†.... Prior to the state lotteries, the gangsters had one going and the runners picked up the bets from the customers. Meanwhile the novel explores every facet of gritty New York street life. She is trying her best in school and gets brilliant marks but outside of its comfortable environments, she has to deal with such horrible realities as the perverted old men who try to molest her and bullies and street gangs who abuse her. All around Francie is abject poverty and brave and proud but beaten people. Finally, her family is forced to go on relief (welfare). In the novel one sentence is almost a mirror of modern times when Francie’s mother tells her â€Å"Elizabeth's coming back home today with her kids and Robert. Their furniture got put out in the street." Elizabeth was her sister (Meriwether). Yet she and Douglass share one thing in common, their fierce determination that no matter what their circumstances, their lives would eventually be much better. For example, Douglass made a New Year’s Resolution in 1836 that he would be a free man that year. It actually took another two years but the point is his vow came true for him due to his willpower. As he said, â€Å"I could see no reason why I should, at the end of each week, pour the reward of my toil into the purse of my master† (Douglass II). Likewise, Francie Coffin makes a vow to never pickled herring again, for evidently that was one of the staples of relief handouts. Whether she made good on her promise was never revealed, for the novel ended only a year later with her father departing. WORKS CITED Douglass, Frederick, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, An American Slave†, Web, November 27, 2012.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Components Of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Components Of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) occurs in children, adolescents, and adults. OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and repetitive, ritualized behaviors (American Psychiatric Association [DSM-IV-TR], 2000). The two main component of OCD are obsession and compulsion. Individuals with obsessions often attempt to ease the stress that the obsessions cause through compulsions (Shih, Belmonte, Zandi, 2004). Types of OCD Obsessions Aggressive/ catastrophic Religious Sexual Contamination Somatic Compulsions Hoarding Counting Confessing/ asking Ordering/arranging Washing In a developmental study conducted by Geller and his colleagues (2001), OCD in childhood and adolescence was male preponderant and associated with a higher frequency of aggression/catastrophe obsessions, hoarding and saving compulsions, multiple obsessions and compulsions, and poor insight compared with adult OCD. Sexual and religious obsessions were selectively more prevalent in adolescents compared with either children or adults. Children with OCD had higher rates of Tourettes disorder and separation anxiety disorder than older age groups, but mood disorders were similarly high in both adolescents and adults with OCD. Adults with OCD also had higher rates of substance use and eating disorders than either children or adolescents. This study indicated that age specific correlates with different types of OCD. DSM Diagnosis Criteria of OCD (DSM-IV-TR, 2000) A. The Person Exhibits Either Obsessions or Compulsions Obsessions are indicated by the following: The person has recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as intrusive and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or distress The thoughts, impulses, or images are not simply excessive worries about real-life problems The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, impulses, or images or to neutralize them with some other thought or action The person recognizes that the obsessional thoughts, impulses, or images are a product of his or her own mind (not imposed from without as in thought insertion) Compulsions are indicated by the following: The person has repetitive behaviors (eg, hand washing, ordering, checking) or mental acts (eg, praying, counting, repeating words silently) that the person feels driven to perform in response to an obsession or according to rules that must be applied rigidly The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing some dreaded event or situation; however, these behaviors or mental acts either are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent or are clearly excessive. B. At some point during the course of the disorder, the person has recognized that the obsessions or compulsions are excessive or unreasonable. (Note: this does not apply to children.) C. The obsessions or compulsions cause marked distress, are time consuming (take more than 1 hour a day), or significantly interfere with the persons normal routine, occupational/academic functioning, or usual social activities or relationships. D. If another axis I disorder is present, the content of the obsessions or compulsions is not restricted to it (e.g., preoccupation with drugs in the presence of a substance abuse disorder). E. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiologic effects of a substance (e.g., drug abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition. Sign and Symptoms of OCD Most people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have both obsessions and compulsions, but some people experience just one or the other (Help Guide, 2010). Common obsessive thoughts in OCD include (Help Guide, 2010): Fear of being contaminated by germs or dirt or contaminating others. Fear of causing harm to yourself or others. Intrusive sexually explicit or violent thoughts and images. Excessive focus on religious or moral ideas. Fear of losing or not having things you might need. Order and symmetry: the idea that everything must line up just right. Superstitions; excessive attention to something considered lucky or unlucky. Common compulsive behaviors in OCD include (Help Guide, 2010): Excessive double-checking of things, such as locks, appliances, and switches. Repeatedly checking in on loved ones to make sure theyre safe. Counting, tapping, repeating certain words, or doing other senseless things to reduce anxiety. Spending a lot of time washing or cleaning. Ordering, evening out, or arranging things just so. Praying excessively or engaging in rituals triggered by religious fear. Accumulating junk such as old newspapers, magazines, and empty food containers, or other things you dont have a use for. ETIOLOGY Biological Aspects of OCD Family and twin studies Family studies have demonstrated an increased prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in the first degree relatives of patients as compared to controls (Hettema, Neale, Kendler, as cited inTaberner et al., 2009). Studies of OCD patients and their families have established a 10% prevalence of OCD in first degree relatives (Brynes, 2009). One American study (as cited in Anxiety Care, 2011) suggested that up to 30% of teenagers with OCD had a member of the immediate family with the problem or with obsessive symptoms. However, a two years study carried out by Black (2003, as cited in Waite Williams, 2009) demonstrated that although the children of parents with OCD were likely to go on to develop an emotional disorder, it was not particularly likely to be OCD. In studies of twins, there is a 63% concordance rate for OCD in identical twins (Brynes, 2009). Twin studies suggested a higher concordance rate in monozygotic as compared to dizygotic twins (Samuels Nestadt, 1997; Eley, Bolto n, OConnor, Perrin, Smith, Plomin, 2003). Because MZ twins share 100% of their genes and DZ twins share 50% of their genes on average, the concordance rate for a genetically influenced disorder is expected to be higher for MZ twins than for DZ twins (Shih, Belmonte, Zandi, 2004). Brain structure and chemistry Positron emission tomography (PET) studies measuring resting glucose metabolism have reported hyperactivity in the inferior frontal and anterior cingulate cortices, striatum, and thalamus in patients with OCD (Saxena et al., as cited in Busatto et al., 2001).Researcher believed that OCD may be developed by the abnormal metabolic activity in the orbitofrontal cortes, the anterior cingulate, and the caudate nucleus (Dejdar, 2002). The interaction between these different parts is called a cortico-basal ganglia network (Dejdar, 2002). Dejdar described that these cortico-basal ganglia interactions make up a neural system that is crucial in the acquisition of habits and also establishing a fixed routine of performing those habits, which in turn connected to the typical behaviors of OCD where people maintain certain obsessive habits and continue to perform those habits. Study by Lewin, Storch, Adkins, Murphy, Geffken (2005) supported the neurochemical etiology involving a functional disturbance in the frontal-limbic-basal ganglia system as well as thalamic and cortical neurostructural abnormalities. It is hypothesized that if cortical regions are dysfunctional in patients with OCD, then conscious mechanisms must be used to accomplish what would occur automatically in an unimpaired brain (Sturm, 2008). As a result, inappropriate or obsessive thoughts repeatedly intrude and conscious thought processes suppress them, facilitated by accompanying ritualistic behaviors (Neel, Stevens, Stewart, as cited in Sturm, 2008). There is a strong connection between basal ganglia and OCD. Several studies have implicated that basal ganglia is active during the learning or execution of sequential behavior (Brown, 1997; Graybiel, 1998). Graybiel (1998) explained that the chunking functions of the basal ganglia helps people to focus. Chunking refers to the organization of information into specific associated groups (Dolan DNA learning center, n.d.). This happened when the dopamine released in the basal ganglia system communicates with the brain areas in the prefrontal cortex to allow people to pay attention to critical tasks, ignoring distracting information (Dolan DNA learning center, n.d.). In an experiment by Graybiel, she hypothesized that the basal ganglia system helps the cortex to chunk learning into habits and routines to help the brain quickly access stored information. The experiment of Graybiel was done on training the rats on maze tasks and records the firing groups of neurons in the striatum as the r ats learn, forget, and then relearn the task. When the rats get used to the maze, lots of cells in motor striatum tend to fire at the beginning and the end of the run instead of the whole thing. This happened because the basal ganglia has chunked the behavior. The symptoms of OCD included repetitive, intrusive thoughts and compulsions which lead to ritualistic behaviors such as washing, counting and checking. These behaviors according to Graybiel involved sequential acts and they are performed as chunks, unitized and driven by the extraordinary imperative of urges and compulsions that the patient recognizes as abnormal and out of the persons control. As the result, OCD patients showed over focused attention to irrelevant stimuli. In OCD patients, an abnormal activation of the striatum has been observed. A clearer view is illustrated by a charity organization, Anxiety Care (2011). The organization explained that the thalamus is involved in sensory perception processes and caudate nucleus, a component within basal ganglia work to sort sensory information and filter thoughts. When these messages are being misinterpreted or misfiring, which mean that the normal electrical activity in the brain is being disrupted by the overactive electrical dischargers, it will causes the problem of communication between nerve cells. This will affect and confused the thinking part of the brain to respond chemically to a threat perceived by the primitive part of the brain as if the danger is real. In effect, the caudate nucleus is letting unnecessary thoughts and impulses through to the cortex where the thoughts and emotions combine; and an over active cingulate nucleus at the brains centre, which helps shift attention from one th ought or behavior to another, becomes over active and gets stuck on certain behaviors, thoughts or ideas. The cingulate is that part of the brain which tells the OCD sufferer that something terrible will happen if the compulsions are not carried out (Anxiety Care, 2011). Besides that, some researchers have suggested that OCD results from the imbalance of the neurotransmitter in the brain which is known as serotonin (Pauls, Mundo, Kennedy, 2002). A study by Stengler-Wenzke, Muller, Angermeyer, Sabri and Hesse (2004) revealed that there is a significant reduction of serotonin transporter availability in the midbrain and upper brainstem in OCD patients. The reduction of serotonin transporter availability may reflect a reduced number of serotonergic neurons that may result in low level of serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for transporting impulses to and away from the nerves (Dejdar, 2006). The physiological activity of serotonin starts from the brainstem in groups of brain cells called raphe nucleus (Function of Serotonin, 2009). Serotonin brain cells then spread to various regions of the central nervous system by branching out throughout the brain(Function of Serotonin, 2009). In a case reported by Cohen, Angladette, Benoit, and Pierrot-Deseilligny (1999), a 59-year-old man developed obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms after his head injury. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans showed a small contusion in the right orbitofrontal region. In the similar case, the single-photon emission CT (SPECT) showed greatly reduced blood flow in the orbitofrontal region of the 59-year-old man with OCD (Cohen et al., 1999). A study by Busatto et al. (2001) supported the findings as their research found reduced right cerebral blood flow in the right orbitofrontal cortex in OCD patients as compared with the healthy control group. Paulmann, Seifert, and Kotz (2009) explained that the orbitofrontal cortex is linked to a variety of cognitive and emotional functions. Gray, Braver, and Raichle (as cited in Bracha Brown, 2009) mentioned that emotion and cognition conjointly and equally contribute to the control of thought and behavior. Additionally, Pessoa (as cit ed in Bracha Brown, 2009) added that emotions and cognition not only strongly interact in the brain, but they are often integrated so that they jointly contribute to behavior. Hence, impairment of orbitofrontal cortex contributed to the intrusive thoughts and bizarre behavior of OCD patients (Swinson, Antony, Rachman, Richter, 1998).In particular, lesions of the human orbitofrontal cortex lead to large-scale changes in social and emotional behavior (Paulmann, Seifert, and Kotz, 2009). For example, patients with orbitofrontal lesions are reported to suffer from deficits in affective decision-making (Hornak, as cited in Paulmann, Seifert, and Kotz, 2009). Consistently, Swinson and his colleagues (1998) stated that OCD patients have difficulties in decision making. Psychological Aspects of OCD According to Salkovskis, Shafran, Rachman, and Freeston (1999), there are five mechanisms for the development of inflated responsibility which are critical for the development of OCD. Inflated responsibility refers to an excessive sense of personal responsibility related to unwanted or upsetting thoughts (Abramowitz, Deacon, Woods, Tolin, 2004). The first mechanism is being given too much of responsibility. A child or adolescent, who assumed responsibility during early age due to incompetent parenting, might believe that they are responsible for the negative consequences over which they have little or no control. This is related to the parental communications, where the child is scapegoated for negative occurrences whether or not they are in fact responsible. Through this type of upbringing, Salkovskis et al. stated that the child will develop and accept a wide sense of responsibility and are inclined to translate it into a high degree of conscientiousness, marked by a dedication to work and an acute sense of social obligations. The second mechanism in influencing a person to be OCD is the exposure to rigid or extreme codes of conduct. Strict behavioral codes being instilled by schools, authorities or religion will lead to the development and the reinforcement of attitudes about responsibility. In the study by Abramowitz et al., they found evidence that religion and other cultural influences affect the presentation of OCD symptoms. Rasmussin and Tsuang (as cited in Abramowitz et al., 2004) observed that strictly religious patients often had religious themes to their obsessional thoughts and compulsive rituals. An early study by Khanna and Channabasavanna (as cited in Abramowitz et al., 2004) noted a large portion of symptoms related to contamination and washing among Hindus with OCD, and commented that Indian culture emphasizes on the issues of purity and cleanliness. The third mechanism for the development of inflated responsibility is being given too little responsibility. The responsibility is withheld from the child by the parents. Worries are prominent in the family system and the parents are likely to be excessively anxious and fearful themselves, they will be overprotected toward their child. This will thus convey a sense that danger is around the corner to the child. When growing up, the child will have difficulty in leaving home and being independent; he or she is unprepared to cope with the dangers that the child believe to have in the world outside. Salkovskis et al. further mentioned that leaving home is usually marked by the emergence of OCD symptoms in the child. The lack of preparation to deal with the world outside will frighten the child and leads to the development of anxiousness in the child. The fourth route to the development of an inflated sense of responsibility is the sudden critical incidents that happened where a persons action or inaction contributed to serious misfortune. An example illustrated by Salkocskis et al. on a young doctor who gave the wrong prescription to the patients. Although it did not have any adverse effects on the patient, the young doctor was reprimanded intensely by his senior supervisor. Since then, he developed repetitive checking on the prescription and spent an inordinate amount of time in checking the details of each prescription. Another factor that contributed to the exaggerated sense of responsibility occurred from an incident that is in fact coincidental but the person erroneously assumed that their thoughts, actions or inactions contributed to a serious misfortune. This happened though the learning experiences, for example, when a child angrily wishes an adult dead; soon afterwards the adult, by unfortunate coincidence, actually dies (Salkocskis et al., 1999). The child will think that it is his fault and he has caused the death but actually it was just a coincidence. Salkocskis et al. described that people who are prone to the cognitive bias of thought-action fusion are the ones who are most likely to experience inflations of responsibility and thus contribute to the origins of OCD. PHYSIOLOGICAL TREATMENT Medication Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor The pathogenesis of OCD has been linked to abnormal serotonin levels. Drugs which increase levels of serotonin in the brain have been shown to improve symptoms of OCD. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants to deal with OCD (Taylor, 2009). SSRIs included citalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine and sertraline (Taylor, 2009). Taylor in his study discussed that SSRIs ease the anxious feeling of OCD patients by affecting the neurotransmitters of the brain that used to communicate between brain cells. SSRIs block the reuptake or re-absorption of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. Changing the balance of serotonin seems to help brain cells send and receive chemical messages, which in turn boosts patients mood. Taylor explained that SSRIs are called selective because they seem to primarily affect serotonin, not other neurotransmitters. Side effects of SSRIs included nausea, headaches and insomnia (Taylor, 2009). In evaluating the safety and effectiveness of sertraline in children and adolescents, Cook et al. (2001) ran a study in United States. Their research indicated that long-term sertraline treatment was well tolerated and effective in the treatment of childhood and adolescent OCD. In consistent with the result of sertraline, studies has showed that fluoxetine, citalopram and fluvoxamine were well tolerate and effective in treating children and adolescent with OCD (Liebowitz et al., 2002; Riddle et al., 2001). Nonetheless, six adverse events occurred significantly more frequently in fluoxetine patients who experienced palpitations, weight loss, drowsiness, tremors, nightmares, and muscle aches (Riddle et al., 2001). Escitalopram, another type of SSRI has been examined by researchers in Malaysia in treating OCD patients (Hatim et al., 2008). The research reviewed that the risk of relapse for those treated with placebo appeared to be four times that of those treated with escitalopram. Moreover, the study suggested that escitalopram is well tolerated in Malaysian patients with OCD. No serious adverse event was reported throughout the study. A few milder side effects have been reported by the patients, such as dizziness, hypertension, delayed ejaculation, and throat tightness. The sample of the study, however, may be too small to yield broad generalizations. Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) such as venlafaxine has been used to manage OCD. Researchers found that venlafaxine may be beneficial to individuals with OCD, including those who have not responded to prior SSRI trials (Hollander, Friedberg, Wasserman, Allen, Birnbaum, Koran, 2003SNRI works by inhibiting the reuptake of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine (Donaldson, 2010). As low serotonin is associated with OCD, SNRI function to increase the amount of two neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine, and thus enhance the neuronal activity of the brain. The side effects of SNRI included nausea, restlessness, sexual dysfunctions, insomnia, and increased blood pressure (Bandelow, 2008). Tricyclic antidepressants One of the effective tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) that have been using to treat OCD is clomipramine. It was one of the first anti-obsession drugs prescribed in the 1960s, but is less prescribed now due to their unpleasant side effects (Goodman, 2011). The side effects of this drug included dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, seizures, and cardiac side effects (Bandelow, 2008). Bandelow added that TCAs should be avoided in patients who are considered to be at risk of suicide, due to their potential cardiac and central nervous system toxicity after overdose. In general, the side effects of TCAs are more adverse than SSRIs. Therefore, it is usually recommended when the treatment with SSRIs have failed (Taylor, 2009). Neurosurgical treatment More than 10% of OCD patients remain incapacitated despite rigorously involving in medication trials and intensive behavior therapy (Kim et al., 2003). Several neurosurgical procedures have been used in OCD for treating such refractory patients. Cingulotomy is among the neurosurgical methods to deal with OCD. Cingulotomy defined by Carlson (2008) as the surgical destruction of the cingulum bundle, which connects the prefrontal cortex with the limbic system; helps to reduce intense anxiety and the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (p. 489). Anterior cingulotomy targets the anterior cingulate cortex and the fibers of the cingulum has been recently reported as being effective and safe (Dougherty, as cited in Kim et al., 2003). Study by Kim et al. (2003) aimed to to investigate OCD symptom improvements and to evaluate any cognitive changes and adverse effects after cingulotomy. Their study found no evidence of cognitive dysfunction including intelligence, memory and executive fun ction after cingulotomy compared with preoperative performances. In addition, seizure, urinary problems, chronic pain and suicide were not reported and other adverse effects, such as headache, insomnia and weight changes did not continue for more than 3 months. Taken together, they suggested that cingulotomy could be safe in terms of cognitive and other side-effects. Furthermore, deep brain stimulation (DBS), a procedure in which surgically implanted electrodes stimulate localized brain structures, has also been reported to be effective in patients with OCD when the anterior limb of internal capsule was targeted (Nuttin et al., as cited in Cannistraro et al., 2007). Deep brain stimulation surgery involves the placement of tiny implantable electrodes into abnormally functioning areas of the brain through burr holes in the skull; then a neurostimulator, which is commonly implanted near the collarbone; an insulated wire that connects the electrode to the neurostimulator (Brown University, 2003). The electrodes emit pulses of electrical stimulation to block abnormal brain activity that can cause obsessions, moods, and anxieties associated with psychiatric disorders (Brown University, 2003). A study conducted by Gabriels, Cosyns, Nuttin, Demeulemeester, Gybels (2003) concluded that deep brain stimulation may have important therapeutic benefits on psy chopathology in OCD and no harmful side-effects were detected during follow-up up to 33 months (see Appendix A, for case study). However, Greenberg, Rauch, and Haber (2010) stated that hemorrhages on device insertion may have long-lasting or permanent consequences, although relatively rare. Infection represents another significant risk (Greenberg et al., 2010). On the other hand, Greenberg and his colleagues added that the great appeal of DBS in comparison with lesions is that it permits focal, adjustable, and reversible modulation of the brain. Specifically, various combinations of electrodes can be activated, at adjustable polarity, intensity, and frequency; DBS thus permits flexible neuromodulation. The great clinical advantage of this is that parameters can be optimized for individual patients. In cases in which no beneficial settings can be identified despite extensive efforts, the electrodes can be inactivated, and the devices may be removed (Greenberg et al., 2010). DISCUSSION CONCLUSION Overdose TCAs have been revealed to be lethal in overdose (Bandelow, 2008). These drugs should be avoided in patients who are considered to be at risk of suicide, due to their potential cardiac and central nervous system toxicity after overdose (Bandelow, 2008). Although the benefit of SSRI and SNRI is that they are relatively safe in overdose (Bandelow, 2008), the issues of associating SNRI with other substances need to be highlighted. During 2010, Donaldson revealed that overdose with SNRIs has commonly occurred in combination with alcohol and/or other drugs. The adverse event of combining alcohol with SNRI medication include electrocardiogram changes, sinus and ventricular tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension (low blood pressure), altered level of consciousness (from somnolence to coma), rhabdomyolysis, seizures, vertigo, liver necrosis, and death have been reported. Besides that, Donaldson emphasized that SNRI medications should not be taken by patients also taking monoamine oxidase inhi bitors (MAOIs). This can lead to increased serotonin levels and cause serotonin syndrome which is a rare, but serious and potentially life-threatening condition unfortunately often mistaken for a viral illness, anxiety, neurological disorder or worsening psychiatric condition). Therefore, it is vital to address the adverse events of drug overdose and the combination with other substances. Relapse Relapse and remission is common in OCD and many patients will never be free of the disease (Taylor, 2009). Earlier study in 1973 by Capstick (as cited in Ravizza, 1998) stated that if the SSRI is withdrawn or reduced too quickly, the patient is able to relate the time of onset of the recurrence of the obsessions, usually 36 to 48 hours after the former dose. In a follow-up study of 15 patients with OCD who responded to clomipramine, Thoren et al. (as cited in Ravizza, 1998) reported that 6 patients who had stopped taking the drug had a recurrence of their symptoms within a few weeks of discontinuation. A research group by Ravizza et al., 1996, the group completed a 2-year, open-label follow-up study of 130 patients with OCD who had previously responded to 6 months treatment with clomipramine, fluoxetine or fluvoxamine. At the end of the 2 years of follow-up, the relapse rate was 77 to 85% among those patients who discontinued pharmacotherapy. Implication Most research related to the physiological treatment has been studied for not more than five years. Therefore, the effects of long term treatment have yet to be observed. However, when the discontinuation of treatment is discussed, researchers indicated several relapse problems and adverse events. A study stated that response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be influenced by body weight, age, sex, and genetic makeup, and therefore can vary between individuals of different ethnic populations (Hatim et al., 2008). Malaysia as a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic country, the use of treatment in patient with OCD should be wise and well considered. The lack of physiological treatment in Malaysia is the major limitation for the implication of treatment toward Malaysian. On the issue of unresponsive to treatment, researcher found the benefits of switching between venlafaxine and paroxetine for OCD. In 2004, the Brown University reported that 56% of patients who were not responding to venlafaxine benefited from a switch to paroxetine; 19% of patients who were not responding to paroxetine benefited from a switch to venlafaxine.Despite the evidence that clomipramine and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are effective in the pharmacology management of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), between 40% and 60% of the patients suffering from it show only a partial or no symptom improvement (Marazziti et al., 2008). Therefore, Marazziti and his group conducted a research to examine the effectiveness of combined treatment by associating clomipramine and citalopram in the treatment of OCD. The study found that combination treatment is effective and well-tolerated for OCD patients, and much more effective than treating patients with single drug, su ch as SSRI or TCA. In prescribing medication for the OCD patients in Malaysia, the doctor should inform the possible side effects of the medication to the patients. The adverse events that would occur in combination of substances should be stressed and patients should be education on the appropriate dosage and time to consume the medication. Limitations on the use of medications include unwillingness of approximately 25% of OCD patients to take medications which they view, globally, as a form of contamination (Greist, 1998); side effects that interfere with comfortable use of medications; and continuing costs of medications that are necessary to prevent relapse associated with discontinuation. Besides physiological treatment, psychotherapy has been recommended to deal with OCD. The consensus guidelines produced by the American Psychiatric Association (2000) suggested that cognitive, behavioral therapy (CBT) was the first choice treatment for children and young people. Waite and Williams (2009) mentioned that CBT alone or in combination with medication appears to be more effective and less likely to lead to relapse. More recently, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2011) described a stepped care model beginning with self-help materials for mild cases through CBT, medication and finally combined treatments. The Malaysian Psychiatric Association reviewed a research being done by Saxena et al. (2009) indicated the effectiveness of CBT on brain glucose metabolism in OCD. They discovered significant changes in brain activity solely as the result of four weeks of intensive cognitive-behavioral therapy in ten OCD patients. Reduction of thalamic activity, decrea ses in glucose metabolism has been observed after the intervention. However, the study also showed a significant increase in activity in an area of the brain called the right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, a region involved in reappraisal and suppression of negative emotions. The major constraints on the use of CBT include patient unwillingness to invest the time and energy. This may be due to patients fear that their anxiety will be too great when they expose themselves to their triggers. As the conclusion, there are several causes of OCD which involved both biological and psychological aspects. In introduc

Friday, October 25, 2019

Authenticity in Northanger Abbey Essay -- Northanger Abbey

Northanger Abbey:  Ã‚  Authenticity  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     In what is for Jane Austen an uncharacteristically direct intervention, the narrator of Northanger Abbey remarks near the end: "The anxiety, which in the state of their attachment must be the portion of Henry and Catherine, and of all who loved either, as to its final event, can hardly extend, I fear, to the bosom of my readers, who will see in the tell-tale compression of the pages before them, that we are all hastening together to perfect felicity." As far as I know this is the only overt reference Austen ever makes to the material nature of her medium, and the relationship of that materiality to generic conventions. She might as well have said "This is a romantic comedy I'm writing" as announce that the happy-ending conclusion was foregone. In terms of audience reception -- surprise, suspense, narrative deferral -- the advantage of writing film scripts (as distinct from TV, whose audience can tell when the end is nigh simply by looking at its collective watch) is that there is no 'tell-tale compression of pages'; your viewers don't know when the end is coming. If you're writing scripts for, say, Blue Heelers, you make them forty-eight minutes long and no mucking about, and the imminence of narrative closure is obvious to everybody. The advantage of being a novelist is that you can decide where you want to stop. One of the biggest differences between Austen's novels and their current screen versions -- two of which were written for TV -- is that Emma Thompson's screenplay for Sense and Sensibility, Nick Dear's for Persuasion and Andrew Davies' for Pride and Prejudice -- unlike all of the originals -- were circumscribed first and last by material constraints For the si... ...als, journalists and fans in period costumes (mostly about forty years out, the ubiquitous crinoline doing duty as a blanket signifier of historical dress-ups) arrived at the gates of the MCG in variously anachronistic horse-drawn vehicles and vintage cars with Coke logos on them. But just how deep and wide the late twentieth century's nostalgia for authenticity really goes, and just how problematic and paradoxical a notion it has become in its tendency to make us forget history rather than remember it was demonstrated in Tasmania on the afternoon of Sunday April 28, when many of the tourists at Port Arthur mistook present reality for a harmless facsimile of a deadly past -- 'one of those re-enactment things' -- and began hurrying towards the gunshots, instead of away. Works Cited: Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey. Ed. Claire Grogan. New York: Broadview, 2002.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Main Causes of Culture Shock Essay

Stepping out of one’s comfort zone is not an easy step to take, not to mention stepping into a foreign land. Culture shock is one of the very common problems many face, especially when travelling abroad. For the purpose of this essay, the term â€Å"culture shock† refers to the unfamiliar feeling of a new atmosphere when in another country. It also refers to the ability to adapt experience and accept another country’s culture. The main reasons of culture shock are difference in values, loneliness, as well as daily life challenges. To begin with, one of the main causes which contribute to the feeling of culture shock is due to the difference in values. Values may differ in terms of religion, laws, traditions, and customs. Many embarking on a journey to a foreign land have to accept and learn the foreign country’s values in order to be able to enjoy the richness of the local culture. However it may seem to be very difficult to accept the new values as it differs too much from another country’s culture, thus causing culture shock. A good example would be that many international students might have difficulties adopting the new values which the foreign country adopts, and might feel homesick due to the culture shock. Therefore, the difference in values is one of the main causes of culture shock. In addition, another cause of culture shock is due to the feeling of loneliness. The feeling of loneliness can cause many adverse effects, causing depression and anxiety. Many suffer from culture shock due to loneliness because, like a child in school for the first time, there are no familiar faces to be seen anywhere. It is a frightening experience as in a foreign land there might be a language barrier and a difference the lifestyle which may hinder the process of socialising and cause loneliness. A good example would be when international students live in home stays they might feel a sense of loneliness due to the fact that the environment in the home stay as well as the food served differs a lot from the student’s home back in their homeland. Therefore, loneliness is indeed another main cause of culture shock. The last and most important cause of culture shock is the daily life challenges. Like a fish out of the water, it is a very new environment when in a foreign country. The weather, transport, language to speak in becomes a challenge, as each country has its own individuality. It can be a daily struggle for many to adapt to these major differences and would take awhile to get used to the new environment. A good example would be that many migrants would take at least a month to climatise to the new temperatures as unlike Saudi Arabia with extremely hot weathers, countries like New Zealand have very cold temperatures. Thus, daily life challenges are the most important reason for culture shock as it is not easy to adapt to a new environment. To sum it up, culture shock is caused by the contrasts in beliefs and principles, it is also caused by the initial stages of feeling isolated from home and lastly it is also caused by the problems faced on a day to day basis. Perhaps the most important reason is the problems faced on a day to day basis. This is so as it would cause a significant amount of inconvenience and adapting to the individual for a period of time, thus undergoing a transition period to cope with culture shock.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Briefly Describes the Difference Between Sans and Nas System Essay

Briefly describes the difference between Storage Area Networks (SANs) and Network Attached Storage (NAS) system? Storage Area Networks (SANs)| Network Attached Storage (NAS) system| A SAN is a dedicated network that provides access to various types of storage devices including type libraries, optical juke boxes and disk arrays.| Network Attached storage system are networked appliances which contain one or more hard drives that can be shared with multiple heterogeneous computers.| A SAN is a local network of multiple devices that operate on disk blocks.| A NAS is a single storage device that operate on data files| A SAN commonly utilizes Fibre Channel interconnects. | A NAS typically makes Ethernet and TCP/IPconnections.| Identify and briefly describe each of TCP/IP’S five layer? The basic structure of communication networks is represented by the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model. This model is structured in five layers. An end system, an intermediate network node, or each communicating user or program is equipped with devices to run all or some portions of these layers, depending on where the system operates. These five layers, are as follows: Application layer Host to host or transport layer Internal layer Network access layer Physical layer Physical layer: The physical layer covers the physical interface between a data transmission device and a transmission medium or network. This layer concerned with specifying the characteristics of the transmission medium the nature of the signals the data rate and related matters. Application layer The Aplication layer, determines how a specific user application should use a network. Among such applications are the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and the World Wide Web (WWW) . Host to host or transport layer The Transport layer, lies just above the network layer and handles the details of data transmission. Layer 4 is implemented in the end-points but not in network routers and acts as an interface protocol between a communicating host and a network. Consequently, this layer provides logical communication between processes running on different hosts. Network access layer: The Network layer specifies the networking aspects. This layer handles the way that addresses are assigned to packets and the way that packets are supposed to be forwarded from one end point to another. Internal layer This internal protocol(IP) is used in this layer to provide the routing functions across multiple networks. The function of the internal layer is to allow procedure to take in order for data traverse of multiple interconnected networks to take place. This protocol is implemented in both the end system and routers. Contrast the major characteristics of WANs with those of LANs & MANs? WANs| LANs| MANs| Its is wide Area Networks| It is Local Area Netwoks | It is Metropolitan Area Networks| It consist of a number of interconnected switching modes| Lan is a communication networks that interconnected a variety of devices and provides a means for information exchange among those devices.| It occupies a middle ground between LANs and WANs.| | | | How many quantization levels are needed to represent each of the following sets of symbols characters or states? a) The uppercase alphabet A,B†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Z 8*26 = 208 bits b) The digits 0,1†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.9 8*10 = 80 bits c) 256 different colours 8*256 = 2048 d) 10000 Han characters 8*10000 = 80000 e) Four billion computing devices 8* four billion = 32 billion Commonly, medical digital radiology ultrasound studies consist of about 25 images extracted from a full-motion ultrasound examination. Each image consists of 512 by 512 pixels, each with 8 bits of intensity information. a. How many bits are there in the 25 images? 25 Images 1 Image = 512*512 pixels 1 pixel = 8 bits 8*512 = 4,096 *512 = 2, 097,152 * 25 images = 52, 428, 800 bits in the 25 images b. Ideally, however doctors would like to use 512*512 * 8 bits frames at 30 fps (frames per second). Ignoring possible compression and overhead factors, what is the minimum channel capacity required sustaining this full-motion ultrasound? 512*512 = 262,144 * 8 bits = 2,097,152 * 30fps = 62,914,560 bits c. Suppose each full motion study consists of 25s of frames. How many bytes of storsge would be needed to store a single study in up comprossed form? 600 MB = 629145600 bytes *8 = 5,033,164,800 512*512=262144* 8 bits = 2,097,152 * 30 fps = 62,914,560 *25 sec = 1,572,864,000 5,033,164,800/1572864000 = 3.2 Do some online research on the characteristics of software as a service (Saas) platform as a service (Paas) and infrastructure as a services (Iaas) write a short paper describe the different between these services and identifying some of te major providers of each type? Saas- SaaS or software as a Service refers to the delivery of applications over the Internet as a service that can be accessed by users. Instead of users having to install and maintain software, they simply access this through the Internet. This frees them from the management of complex software as well as hardware and explains why SaaS in Australia continues to gain great popularity among users. The applications offered by SaaS are at times referred to as hosted software, software on demand or web- based software. The provider generally manages access to the applications, availability, performance as well as security. This relieves customers of the burden of installing, maintaining or updating hardware or software. To access these applications, all a user requires is an Internet connection. Some of the characteristics Software as a Service will offer you and which will help you answer the question what is SaaS are as follows: It is a multitenant architecture- this means that all users and applications make use of a single, common infrastructure as well as a code base that is maintained centrally. This enables vendors to innovate more quickly thus saving valuable time that would initially have been spent in maintaining different versions of out-dated codes. Allows for easy customisation – every customer is able to customise applications so that they can fit into their business processes and without necessarily affecting the common infrastructure. These customizations are rather unique to each user or company and are often preserved through making upgrades. Provides better access – SaaS improves access to data as you can access it from anywhere as long as you have an Internet connection. This makes it easier for members to collaborate with one another as they can access the same information irrespective of where they are located. Many organisations are turning to SaaS because it is easier to implement and does not require users to pay any up-front licensing fees. It is also inexpensive and hence its popularity with small and medium sized companies. In today’s economy, every business is out to save some money. SaaS seems to be working positively for many businesses and a good number has already embraced it. Although large companies have been a little hesitant to embrace it because of the limited functionality that comes with it, many others have already taken up this technology and only time can tell what its future will be. Major service providers of SaaS are NetSuite, Rackspace, Softlayer ,Go Grid, Microsoft, salesforce etc. PaaS: Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a way to rent hardware, operating systems, storage and network capacity over the Internet. The service delivery model allows the customer to rent virtualized servers and associated services for running existing applications or developing and testing new ones. Major service providers of SaaS are IBM, Orangescape, Google, OS33, Gigaspace. IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service is a provision model in which an organization outsources the equipment used to support operations, including storage, hardware, servers and networking components. The service provider owns the equipment and is responsible for housing, running and maintaining it. The client typically pays on a per-use basis. Characteristics and components of IaaS include: Utility computing service and billing model. Automation of administrative tasks. Dynamic scaling. Desktop virtualization. Policy-based services. Internet connectivity. IaaS is one of three main categories of cloud computing service. The other two are Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). Infrastructure as a Service is sometimes referred to as Hardware as a Service (HaaS). Major service providers of IaaS are Gogrid, Hp. Logicworks, Amazon web services,